Home > Artworks > Patricio Peña Oltra

Photo of Patricio Peña Oltra Chile

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Breviary of the Artist:

Peña Oltra born in Chile in 1958 in a family of music artists...

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39.37 x 27.56 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
27.56 x 39.37 in
27.56 x 39.37 in
62.99 x 39.37 in
62.99 x 39.37 in
62.99 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
47.24 x 59.06 in
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Breviary of the Artist:

Peña Oltra born in Chile in 1958 in a family of music artists and expressed his vocation early and talent for the arts in the genre of drawing and painting.

High expression and innate talent for drawing, as a teenager and opt for figurative work focused on the study inspired by the classical current Renaissance.

Their models were primarily artists Leonardo da Vinci inspired seeing it as a finisher, Miguel Angel Buonarroti for his extraordinary creative force and Raphael Sanzio by the sweetness of his works. Styles, crafts and seals of those great teachers that marked the artist. For him, if you could put together the three main characteristics of these teachers, we would be the perfect artist.

Although it has always been a scholar all the drawing, mainly in the eighties is that time is defined painter holding his intense studies especially self-taught, with the result that in the late eighties and early nineties will conduct its first individual samples.

For Peña Oltra, the important thing is to make works of art of excellence, not running out of time and after his samples chose a parallel stream or groundwater into the ring official traditional arts, and even participate in some contests and exhibitions, not their main objective, and quickly understood that the true result of the art of drawing and painting is in the process of the work that is rooted in the unconscious. Thus is created a parallel world outside the galleries and exhibit spaces and is principally engaged in making known their parts personally what that leads to the bulk of his work is outside of Chile.

In the early years two thousand resumes displays provided outside the official arena, to form his own gallery space (Wenteche Art Gallery), and to accommodate craft artists undercurrent.

His current interest has designed for group shows, individual and integrated in galleries outside of Chile.

small "> style, seal and foundation of the artist, is to fashion with a contemporary craft inspiration and Renaissance, seeks to rescue the line, shape and color value and thematic materials.


1965 Children's Art School in Vina del Mar

1982 and 1983 Escuela de Bellas Artes de Viña del Mar.

1984 to continue the development at personal and self based on the Renaissance period. Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Raphael Zansio.

Solo Exhibitions:

small "> 1989

Sala Viña del Mar, where he shows "Drawings" colored pencil


Binational Institute of Culture of Valparaiso, where he exhibited "Drawing" charcoal and color pencil.

small "> 2000

Biblioteca Santiago Severin of Valparaiso, "Holistic" where exhibits Drawings, Painting and Mixed Media.

Galo Cultural Center Sepulveda Temuco, where he shows Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media. "Holistic"

Diego Rivera Cultural Center of Puerto Montt, where he outlined Drawings and Mixed Media Paintings. "Holistic."


Antechamber of the Sala Viña del Mar, "Gender Plastic Drawing" showing color pencil drawings, charcoal and mixed media.


Catholic University of Valparaiso, Sausalito Chamber. "Emotions Drawn and painted, "showing" Drawing and Painting "


Create and paint mural "Wenteche" Gálvez passage located in No. 49, Cerro Concepción Valparaíso. (RPI 145 098)


small "> Gallery AquiArte, Reñaca Viña del Mar" Women "Drawing and Painting.


Wenteche Art Gallery, Valparaiso resonances southern routes. " Painting and Mixed Media.

Two-Person Exhibitions:

sans-serif "> 2001

Naval and Maritime Museum in Valparaiso. "Against All Odds", which exhibits Drawing, Watercolor, Oil and Acrylic.


small "> Wenteche Art Gallery, Valparaiso." Dating and Emotions "Drawing and Painting.



"Art Action" sample of students, School of Fine Arts of Viña del Mar. Drawing


"Art in Action, the second sample of students, School of Fine Arts Painting Viña del Mar.

sans-serif "> 1991-1992-1993-2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005

Artemarco artist gallery member. Viña del Mar. Drawing and Painting.


Avenue VALPARAISO Viña del Mar. "Drawings and Watercolors"

Education '93, Museo de Bellas Artes de Viña del Mar. "Watercolors"


"13 Artists in the Severin", Library Valparaiso Santiago Severin. "Drawing and Mixed Media"

"The Rest of the Tribe", Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Sede José Miguel Carrera, in Viña del Mar. "Drawing and Oil"

"Short-Circuit" The Three Cultural Pablo de Valparaíso. "Drawing and Oil"

serif "> 2001

"Drawings and Sculptures", Cultural Emile Dubois de Valparaíso. "Drawing"

Visual Arts Exhibition "Selection 15 regional artists" Valparaíso Cultural Carnival. "Puerto Cultural Center." "Drawing"

ORPHANS: 0 "align =" justify "> 2002

"Chrome Ad Portas" Regional Selection, Valparaíso Cultural Carnival. Urriola street door painted with A. Cerro Concepción Montt.


"Fragments of ancient Lares", Universidad Andrés Bello de Viña del Mar. "Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media."

"Ad Portas II Chrome" Regional Selection, Valparaíso Cultural Carnival. Lieutenant street painted door 355 of Cerro Pinto Mariposa.

sans-serif "> 2004-2005-2006

Artist Wenteche integral "Valparaiso. Drawing and Painting.

"Ocean Edge Art" gallery Artemarco. Viña del Mar, drawing and painting.

"ArteOff Festival 2004, Cultural Corporation Artek


"Art in Reñaca" Reñaca Aquiarte gallery. Viña del Mar. Drawing and Painting.

"1st auction of Contemporary Art in Valparaiso, organized by Art Gallery Wenteche. Drawing and Painting

"Ocean Edge Art" gallery Artemarco. Viña del Mar, drawing and painting.


"Roving Exhibition of Contemporary Art" FIAC 2006, organized by Art Gallery and Art Wenteche Ours.

"ExpoAbril, Wenteche Art Gallery, Valparaiso. Painting.

"First Supermarket Valparaiso Contemporary Art, organized by Art Gallery and Art Our Wenteche.


5f5f5f ">" Second Supermarket Valparaiso Contemporary Art, organized by Art Gallery and Art Our Wenteche.


"Third Supermarket Valparaiso Contemporary Art, organized by room and Art Our Art Wenteche

sans-serif "> 2009

MAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago. "Art Aid 2009." Foundation organized by parentheses.

Artist Member of the catalog "Artists, V Region. Valparaiso. "

"Fourth of Contemporary Art Supermarket Valparaiso Art Gallery organized by Wenteche


"Art Environment", Collective of artists, Art Hall Wenteche.

MAVI, Visual Arts Museum Santiago "Atrte Aid 2010." Foundation organized by parentheses.

Art Fairs:

2008 International Art Fair Expotrastiendas 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2009 International Art Fair Ch.ACO, Chile Contemporary Art. Santiago de Chile.

International Art Fair 2010 Ch: ACO 2010, Chile Contemporary Art. Santiago de Chile.



National School Painting Competition, "The Mercury 76", First Honorable Mention. "Watercolor"

5f5f5f "> 1994

Painting Competition "My Town", facades of Valparaiso. "Oil"


small "> 1st Biennial International Watercolor Watercolor Viña del Mar.


"Seventh Regional Exhibition of Art in Valparaiso." Mixed

small "> 2006

"Fundarte Latin America 2006", Toronto. Canada

Work abroad:

Germany, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, United States, France, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Switzerland, Uruguay and Venezuela. "Drawings, Oil Paintings and Watercolors."

336699 "> Teaching:

1995 to 2001

Instruction and teaching of drawing and painting in particular and in social organizations, the Community Connections Coordinator of Organizations for the Elderly, UCCOAM

Other Activities:

ORPHANS: 0 "align =" justify "> 1992-1993-1994

Participate jury "annual Children's Painting Competition organized by Union 2 of Vantanas Enami. Quintero


sans-serif "> Build and lead the workshop Wenteche Von Schroeders located in street No. 27 of Viña del Mar.


Created and directed "Wenteche Art Gallery" located on Calle Templeman No. 523 of Cerro Concepción, Valparaíso. Chile


Created and directed the virtual site www.saladeartewenteche.cl


Join a curator and judge of the Fourth Contest Children's Painting of municipal schools of Valparaiso.


Involved in the production, design and selection of the first Catalogue of Artists of the V Region. Valparaiso

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